smart dust

NFT & blockchain
secure tokenization
web3 and decentralization
Augmented Reality
customer experience
A bridge between web3 and physical world
We have patented and industrially developed a solution that combines the power of the blockchain and distributed web3 applications with our innovative radio frequency smart dust DNA to guarantee the uniqueness of any physical product or artwork, indissolubly binding it to its digital counterpart in the metaverse through an innovative non-fungible token.

The challenges
Anti-counterfeiting: making a physical product or an artwork unique and inimitable in such a way that it cannot be counterfeited.
Tokenization of physical products: creating a unique and secure link between the physical product or artwork and its digital counterpart.
Physicalization of NFT: creating a unique and secure link between the NFT and its original physical editions.
Sustainability: to enable the circular economy we need to deserialize the products making them unique assets, giving them a DNA.
Linking non-fungible tokens to physical assets is one of the strongest cases for the use of NFTs and blockchain technology.

The solution
We introduce the concept of Natively Digital Physical Asset, which uses our patented technology of authentification through a radio frequency smart dust randomly dispersed inside the product.

Unique Digital Fingerprint
The smart dust is composed by many micro RFID integrated circuits that generate a unique and unrepeatable radiofrequency fingerprint of the product or artwork, because of with their unique identification number, their energy signature and their topological relations due to their random distribution.

Digital DNA
Just as every cell in our body contains our DNA, so every particle of smart dust contains the encrypted fingerprint of the entire product or artwork, inseparable from it, immutable over time, forgery-proof, intrinsically linked to the its NFT counterpart in the blockchain.
The digital DNA incorporated into any product in the form of a smart dust implies:
the uniqueness of a physical product, equipped with an internally integrated digital anti-counterfeiting system (i.e. the smart dust),
the creation of a strong link between the physical product and its digital twin in the blockchain (the related NFT),
the deserialization of the product, which begins to be perceived by the consumer as an asset,
the enabling of a circular economy where the authenticity of the product can always be verified through its digital DNA connected to the blockchain,
the enabling of an efficient recycling process of the product at the end of its life, through the use of the technical information contained in its digital DNA.
Dust vs NFC

A technical insight
By its nature, a digital asset is replicable and each replica is perfectly identical to the original. How a digital asset can be unique? Blockchain technology answer to this question by "carving it into the rock". However, blockchain cannot contain the asset itself directly. In the heart of a NFT is written the "hash code" of the digital asset, i.e. a minimum length code that uniquely represents the asset. One of the fundamental properties of the hash is that a slight change in the binary code of the digital asset causes a radical change in it. This means that if the asset is digital (i.e. it is defined in every detail with a binary code that does not change over time, like a bitmap image) then the hash will always be the same and can be used to prove the ownership of the asset as written in blockchain.
If we consider the application of the blockchain technology to a physical asset, things are different. First the physical asset must be digitized, in order to calculate its hash. However, very often a physical asset, such as an artwork, change over time and the more accurate the digitization process is, the more evident will be the differences between two scans carried out at different times, with different lights, sensors, etc. This means that the hash code generated in subsequent scans will be different from the initial one used to create the NFT. This effectively nullifies the value of the NFT.
It seems evident that any digital model of a physical asset derived from its physical characteristics is inherently unsuitable for generating a unique bond with the NFT through the hashing process.
The only possible solution is to insert something digital in the physical asset that is not separable from it, that does not change over time, easy to read and almost impossible to reproduce:
The smart dust
By inserting the Native Digital smart dust in an artwork, it takes on a digital connotation. Therefore the hash code to be used within the NFT can be calculated from this "electromagnetic fingerprint", the digital DNA, generated by the random distribution of the smart dust, regardless of the other physical characteristics of the asset (e.g. colors, three-dimensionality, shape).