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How does the Smart Dust work?

Every grain of the Smart Dust is a passive transponder that works at a frequency near to 1 GHz. Passive means that it has no battery, so until an antenna calls it at the right frequency it remains off, and it is nothing more than a little stone made of ceramic and sand. It has its own unique ID and some additional memory. 

To explain how the Smart Dust works, let’s take an example in the art sector: an artist wants to use the Smart Dust inside his new creation. So he takes a vial of dust, disperse it in the colors and paints his artwork (we call this phase “dustization”). Once it is ready, it has to be scanned with a special radiofrequency device to read each grain's unique ID, to calculate the topological relations among all the grains of dust, to calculate what we call the “digital DNA” of the artwork, to burn it back into the Smart Dust distributed memory (this the “burning” phase) and to mint an NFT of this artwork (the tokenization phase). 

During tokenization, the digital DNA of the Smart Dust is used to calculate the hash code of the artwork to be written in the NFT metadata. This is very important.

How does the Smart Dust work?
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