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Have you already purchased one of our Smart Dust kits for the tokenization of physical artworks?
Ready to enhance your artwork with a Smart Dust DNA?
Step 1
Select your medium
Step 2A
Prepare your artwork to have a digital DNA
This step applies if you're working on new artwork, whether it's in progress or yet to be created, such as a new painting or sculpture.
Step 2B
Prepare your artwork to have a digital DNA
This step is suitable if you wish to apply the Smart Dust DNA to an existing artwork, such as a painting, a photograph, an artistic print, or a sculpture.
Step 3
Register in the Native Digital Marketplace
If you're a first-time user of Native Digital Smart Dust DNA, you'll need to create a new user profile on the Native Digital Marketplace.
Follow this step-by-step guide for a quick and seamless setup process.